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O.  B.  C. 

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•         25  Ballyconnor  Cri. 

North  York.  ON. 
M2M  4B.^ 

U4 16)226-6.^80 


Student  Leadership 
Retreat  1995 

And  they  call  them  "leaders",  if  you 
u  anted  to  know  what  goes  on  when 
\  our  leaders  get  up  and  go  away  for 
a  retreat.  Take  a  trip  with  the  student 
leaders  as  thev  travel  to 

Frosh  Orientation  Week 

What  goes  on  in  the  v\  orld  of  our 
new  students  known  only  as  "THE 
FROSH"?  Well,  we  can  get  an  idea 
of  hou  they  see  life  at  OBCby 
looking  through  their  eyes.  This  is 
some  of  what  they  saw  in  their  first 
week  around  campus. 

The  Student  Body 

Can't  seem  to  find  that  picture  of 
that  "someone"  in  the  hall  who's 
name  you  just  can't  seem  to 
remember?  Well  perhaps  we  can 
help  you  with  that  problem,  go  and 
take  a  look! 

The  Graduating  Class  of 

Well  they're  here  I  In  this  section 
you  will  find  some  of  your  friends 
who  are  in  the  100th  graduating 
class.  Take  a  look  and  see  what 
they  have  to  say  about  OBC. 

The  Staff  &  Faculty  of 

Vv'e  wanted  to  devote  a  section  of 
this  yearbook  to  the  people  who 
have  kept  this  school  going  even 
when  times  have  been  rough. 
Although  they  deserve  far  more ,  we 
hope  that  now  you  can  put  the 
names  to  the  faces  you  see. 


Dorm  Daze,  Dorm  Craze 

Ever  wondered  what  went  on  in 
the  doniis  of  OBC  or  how  they 
conducted  their  everyday  life. 
Here  they  are  in  all  their  glory. 
Introducing  to  you:  The 
Dorms  Of  OBC. 

Student  Life  At  OBC 

We  at  OBC  have  such  a  mixture 
of  cultures  that  it  truly  makes  this 
school  one  of  the  best.  Here  in 
these  pages  you  get  a  glance  at 
Student  Life  as  the  camera  saw  it 
in  the  halls  at  OBC. 

Sports!  Sports!  Sports! 

If  anything,  OBC  has  been 
known  for  it's  sportsmanship. 
On  the  following  pages,  you 
will  be  able  to  see  what  sports 
teams  OBC  has.  Many 
students  participate  in  them 
while  some  just  spectate. 
May  The  Spirit  of  OBC 
Live  ON!! 

Student  Government 
&  Ministry  Teams 

Find  some  of  the  students  who 
helped  make  all  the  events  and 
activities  possible.  Be  a  part  of 
it  next  year,  get  involved!  Help 
be  a  part  of  the  foundation  that 
makes  OBC  so  GREAT!! 

School  Spirit 

As  you  now  come  to  the  last 
few  pages  of  this  year's 
yearbook,  we  wanted  to  remind 
you  of  some  of  this  year's 
"Special  Moments!" 

The  President's 

In  1894.  this  school  operated  in  an  atini)sphere 
oi  faith.  The  culture  was  intoniied  by  a  biblical 
understanding,  and  the  citizenry  viewed  the  church 
as  central  to  society. 

None  of  the  above  is  true  today.   Toronto  the 
good  is  anything  but  that.  No  longer  can  you 
assume  that  because  Canada  has  an  enormous 
Christian  heritage  that  leadership  u  ill  gi\  e  preference 
to  our  \  iew  of  life  or  that  culture  will  bow  and 

A  word  which  aptly  describes  Canada  at  the  end  of  this  century  is  pluralistic.  For 
some,  this  is  frightening;  for  others,  it  is  an  opportunity.  I  see  it  as  the  latter. 

We  are  in  much  the  same  situation  as  were  Christians  in  Rome  in  the  early  centuries. 
We  cannot  impose  our  Christian  values  on  a  society  which  has  decided  that  there  is  no  one 
guiding  .set  of  principles  which  rule.  As  the  apostle  Paul  called  on  Christians  in  Rome  to  not 
he  ashamed  of  the  f^ospel.  you  are  faced  with  the  very  real  challenge  of  pressing  forward 
with  Christ,  confronting  the  .spirits  of  this  age. 

I  challenge  you  to  accept  the  opportunity  of  engaging  our  culture,  pluralistic  as  it  is, 
with  faith  and  courage. 

^-C./^ — 

Brian  C.  Stiller 

hiterim  and  volunteer  President  and  CEO 



I  can't  speak  for 
cocPVCTic.  but  after  my 
summer  job  u>as  finished,  I 
rushed  home  to  pack  to 
return  to  school.  This  year, 
because  of  cutbacks.  u>c 
retreated  to  beautiful  and 
senic  Ontario  Bible  College. 
There  u>ere  lots  of 
information  sessions, 
planning  times,  and  eoen 
some  check  up  time  to  find 
out  u>hat  happened  to 
eoeryone  ooer  the  summer. 

^%  [FdAM 


Jls  well,  it  gaue  us  a  little  time 
to  adjust  to  the  changes  that 
u?ere  made  at  the  school  and 
to  meet  the  neu>  members  of 
Community  Life.  OOPS"  I 
mean  Student  Jlffairs.  Jit  the 
end  of  the  u?eek,  wc  got  au>ay 
to  Rattle  Snake  Point  for  a 
day.  CXIe  had  fun,  got  dirty 
(gotta  looe  those  caoes!),  and 
just  let  loose.  These  days 
u>ere  good  for  us  as  U3e  u>ere 
drau^n  closer  to  God  and  to 
each  other.  -  By  Dicole  Craig 

"For  this  reason  I  remind  you  to  fan  into  flame  the  gift  of  God,  which  is  in 

you  through  the  laying  on  of  my  hands.   For  God  did  not  give  us  a  spirit  of 

timidity,  but  a  spirit  of  power,  of  love  and  of  self-discipline.  " 

2  Timothy  1:6&7 

The  tide  ot  Julie  ihiii  )ou  never  ge<  lu  we  Perhaps  il  it  (he 
trc\haif '  Of  ii>ayhciheliit.kul  Ukygcniu (he brain  'I Julie 
Hiukell.  (N..11I1K  A  I 

lla|)p)  In  hine  escaped  *ilh  iheir  live».  the  UBf  Mens 
S|teluhkin)?  I  coin  vlum  trfl  (heir  wiuv.  i.'U(%.  ^id  din 
Liillecdim  lS(eve  Wilviii.  ioddUfimn.  L>iileWaiv>ii.(ifcg 
M  Jiin,  Kevin  Jnhnum.  and  Jay  Lchiiian  I 

Greg  liKikinti  liver  iheclilf  (omxiI  (ttere  it  an  easier  way 
111  ge((ing  "11  (his  miumain  A  ladder  (jcrhapv  '  (Greg 
Munn,  hv  iUigelismCn  Chair  I 

I'aul,  keep  in  (imc  vvuh  the  music  1.2..'  Oh.  come  on. 
Paul' This  IS  (he  "T»is(".no(  the  •Hus(le"'(Darr>l  Buckle. 
4  Ccn(ral  R.A  &  Paul  Moms.  PrcsidcnO 

As  children,  some  often  have  (heir  own  form  of  sccun(y 
■  Blankic'  ( a  favon(c  hlanke( ).  "yuack  Quack"  ( ruhher  hath 
duck  I.  and.  y  cs.  even  gcxid  old  Teddy  !( seems  that  Nicole 
prefers  her 'Baba'  1  Nicole  Craig.  Sports  Con  I 

Once  again.  Luana  Busch  is  caught  in  the 
acl  of  living  out  her  favorite  fantasy: 
playing  hide-and-go-seek  vvith  her 
"bossom  friends'.  Diana  and  Gilbert 

Hey.  Mudd.  nice  pose!  You  might  just 
make  it  to  the  Sports  Illustrated  cover  one 
of  these  days.  (Andrew  Mack  making  a 

Buck  has  finally  got  what  he's  wanted  for 
so  long-a  group  of  young  impressionable 
Frosh  that  do  anything  he  tells  them 

Fnosb  Onientation 

"I  can 


the  first 

time  I 




I  can  remember  the  thoughts 
and  womes  of  the  night  before  the  "BIG 
DAY"  into  adulthood;  "Will  I  fit  in?", 
"Did  I  pack  a  toothbrush?".  "What 
clothes  should  I  wear?",  and  most 
importantly.  "I  hope  my  roommate 
isn't  a  looser."  I  could  hardly  sleep 
through  the  night  in  anticipation  of  my 
soon-to-be  freedom  from  my  parental 
constraints.  And  1  remember  the  long 
car  dnve  made  longer  still  as  I  thought 
of  all  the  things  I  was  going  to  do  this 
year  -  study  harder,  loose  weight,  and,  of 
course,  make  lots  and  lots  of  friends  - 
Sound  kinda  familiar?  But  looking  back 
on  those  first  two  weeks.  1  realize  it 
wasn't  nearly  as  bad  as  1  made  it  out  to 
be.  In  fact.  1  remember  more  the  good 
times  and  the  fun  of  trymg  to  be  myself. 
I  can  remember  late  nights  hearing  about 
how  Mat  Learn  got  his  head  stuck  in  the 
elevator  door  (right.  Weinie?)  I  can 
remember  playing  volleyball  and 
thinkmg.  "Hey.  I'm  not  too  bad"  and 
then  I  met  Graham  Buchanan.  And  who 
could  forget  meals  as  Joel  Main 
expre.ssed  his  love  for  tea  -  "Tea  is  the 
epitome  of  all  that  is  good,  moral,  and 
true."     I  can  recollect  the  first  time  I 

heard  angels  sing  as  I  listened  to  Heather 
Johnston  and  Erinn  Grant.  These  are 
only  a  few  of  my  memories  and  the 
greatest  part  of  coming  to  this  school  is 
realizing  that  we  will  all  take  from  it  our 
own  memories. 

1  am  thankful  that  1  have  come 
to  this  school.  It  has  given  me 
opportunities  in  ministry  and  growth 
that  very  few  schools  offer.  I  am 
thankful  for  the  teaching  and  the  lessons 
that  the  profs  and.  more  importantly. 
God  have  shown  me.  The  things  I  will 
remember  the  most  will  be  the  times 
when  you  and  I,  as  a  body,  let  God  move 
in  us  and  was  real  to  us.  As  I  close.  I  leave 
you  with  a  thought:  "Without  Truth 
there  is  no  growth."  May  we  all  "grow 
in  the  grace  and  knowledge  of  our  Lord 
and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ." 

Peace.  Love,  and  Joy. 

Matt  Barton 


Okay,  here  is  the  plan'  I  want  iwo  people  (u  confuic 
the  new  siudcnls  movin);  into  durm  while  the  retl 
i)f  us  will  gel  ihcir  siuK  frum  (heit  cars  (Sume  of 
ihc    Siudeni    Leaders   planning   iheir   allack.) 

Reduce.  Reuse,  and  Rccscle'  (>cllin(!  vitne  pralice  for 
;ill  ihose  blue  bins  around  (he  schoil  (Andrew  Mack 
arid  others  taking  the  three  'R's*  just  a  lillle  too  far  ) 

Being  an  interdenominational  sch<M>l.  students  want  to 
share  thicr  own  traditions  with  the  other  students 
Which  church  preforms  this  kind  of  Baptism'  (Kevin 
Johnson  and  Matt  Barton  helping  to  cleanse  Uile 

Getting  ready  for  the  close  quarters  of  (he  dorm  rcwnu. 
or  maybe  the  Frosh  this  year  are  just  sery  friendly' 
iFrosh  students  getting  a  close-up.  but  who  is  the  guy 
in  the  front?) 

Fiager  to  show  soiik  of  this  year's  Frosh  some  sursival 
techniques.  Keith  gets  a  little  earned  away  Telephone 
books  don't  taste  loo  good  do  (hey?  (Keith  Bundock 
and  Frosh) 

What  exactly  are  these  people  looking  af  Could  it  be 
a  volleyball  or  maybe  otk  of  the  thousands  of  Canadian 
("leese  on  Centre  Island''  (Bombs  awav'i 

Yes.  you  to  can  own  your  very  own  OBC  patented  trash 
compaclor  for  the  low.  low  price  of  $9.95.  food  and 
lodgings  not  included.  (Krista.Tara.  Allison.  Mary-Ellen,        >J 
Trevor,  and  Jav)  ' 

To  help  cut  costs,  some  residence  students  of  OBC  have 
decided  that  communal  showers,  versus  conventional  ones. 
would  be  more  efficient.  (Joel.  Mark,  and  Krista) 

Just  some  of  the  row  dies  that  took  o\  er  the  TTC  on  the  way 
back  from  the  Centre  Island  picnic.  Say  cheese,  everybody ! 

No.  I'm  serious.  Rubbing  watermelon  rind  on  your  face 
really  does  make  your  skin  smooth!  (Roseanne  and 
Charlanc ) 

All  things  bright  and  beautiful,  all  creatures  great  and  small, 
all  things  and  wonderful,  the  Lord  Gcxl  made  them  all 
Yeah,  right  I  ( Kathy .  Ron.  Andrea.  Jon.  and  Scott ) 

Manin  having  a  ball  at  the  Center  Island  Frosh  picnic,  a 
football,  that  isUI  still  think  that  it's  his  impression  of 

True  u<  nature's  way .  IXiug  Nag)  (ne%  l» allraci 
ihim ing  till  hi>  hnghi  plumage .  unl»nuiutel> . 
iucce\s  Bui  it  sure  pul\  ne»  meaning  Iti  the 
BnJal  College"  NtcrciH>|v 

anuteb>       Four  til  OBC'»  finrtt  muticiant  Who's  the   Man' 
he  has  no       (lerlurmedatthe  Pmshhannuel    Notiinlv  Jnthes  write 
Untariu       thcii  i>wn  musit .  hul  thev  leiolour  ciMndinated  Iik> 

Yes.  wc  know  that  we're  holding  uur  guide  mapt  in  front 
ollhcstalue  As  sludcnlsof  OBC.  we  feel  it  is iiur dut> 
loiiuinilor  what  gi>cs  into  our  ycartHM>k  Just  lake  the 
piciure  already 'I  Mai.  Jen.  Kiisia.  Heather  J  .  Sarah. 
Heathei .  Karen,  and  the  naked  sialuc  i 

Sarah  praLdiing  some  new  yogatechiuqun  fur  lired  college 

You  can  dress  him  up  hut  y  ou  can  t  take  him  out '  Didn  t 
his  mom  tell  him  that  if  he  kept  making  faces,  that  it 
would  stay  that  way?  (Dave  and  Charlanci 

Jamie  may  be  an  awesome  volleyball  player,  but  he's  no 
match  for  my  super  senical  jumping  power  Up.  up.  and 
aw  av '  I  Dan  and  Jamie  I 

Yes.  I  like  Beaver  meals.  And  what  do  you  mean  this  is 
going  in  ihe  yearbook? 

So  guys,  how  long  am  I  supposed  to  stand  here  like  this ' 
Guys?...Guys7(Scon  Sadler) 

They  sa\  thai  people's  true  emotions  come  out  in  pictures 
Deb  isdistracted.Andiea'sangry. Suzanne  is  ver>' smily.  and 
Cliris...Chris?...  (Ftoshgals) 

What  do  you  mean  I'm  living  in  a  storage  closet?  (Sule 
Prince  and  friend) 

Yo.  what's  your  deal,  Trevor''  You're  supposed  to  use 
shaving  cream,  not  icing.  (Trevor  Bnsbin  and  Jen  Weaver) 

Andrew  likes  to  play  doctor  every  once  in  a  while.  I  know 
you're  sick,  boy  but.  no.  I  will  not  be  your  nurse.  Really, 
you'll  be  fine.  Just  keep  sucking  back  that  oxygen. 




Hiimfied  FniUi  look un  a» an  Upperclisiman i person?) it 
run  over  tiy  a  train  in  a  IrcaV  t-rosh  Week  a4citlcm  i  KntU. 
Mark,  and  Frii\hi 

Camera  happ)  tummulcr  strikes  again'  Ytni'll  never  knos* 
»  hen  she  s  coming  Noone  is  sate  from  her  cunrungevc  and 
blinding  flash.  I  Karen  Miller) 

Todd  Brovin  -  one  ol  ihc  tci*  men  dreamed  about  on  5th 
Roor  This  picture  IS  sure  to  get  him  a  lot  of  visitors  (X 
course,  the  ones  in  while  coals  will  pcobably  get  to  him  first 

I  don't  even  go  to  this  school  and  I'm  still  getting  tortured 
Becareful.Ron  Imightjuststartealingyourfinger  Our' 
( Melanic  Joseph  and  Ron  Mahler) 

Stephanie  is  really  genmg  into  the  'grunge'  look  for  the 
^.'r^an  Ministries  team  night  on  the  streets. 


Boy.  (his  line  sure  is  long!  Are  (he  leaders 
posi(ive  (here's  enough  fixxJ  (o  go  around? 
You  guys  musi  be  hungr>'  after  all  (ha( 
running. ..Why  are  you  looking  a(  me  (hal 

Wow!  Kris(aissogrea(!  SheisasuperRA. 
she  is  a  gixni  sludeni.  and  she  knows 
ever)(hing  aKiut  boys.  \Vha(  more  could 
we  ask  for?(  Deb,  Nancy,  Ca(hy.  and  Kris(a) 

"If  you  priKrasiina(e  like  I  do.  every  thiiu 
willjuslkeeppilingup  Evenlually.  you  II 
he  pleading  for  one  more  ex(ension  and 
(hen  i(  becomes  an  addiction!  (Erinn 
giving  Shelly  some  (imely  advice.) 


:>"  - 

An  OBC  flag  foo(ball  game  is  one  of  (he  best 
places  (o  hang  ou(  w  i(h  friends  A  blanket, 
my  sungla.sses  and  thou.  (Jen  Weaver, 
Melanie  Joseph,  and  Amy  Stewart) 

What '  Alll  said  wa-s  that  I  didn't  like  his  hat. 
Now  he's  got  this  wounded  Icxik  on  his  face. 
Am  I  not  entitled  to  an  opinion?  (Joel  Main 
and  Aaron  Edling(on) 

I  want  my  stuffed  dog  back!  You  always 
wanted  it  so  you  stole  it.  didn't  you'  Give 
it  back!  Give  It  hack!  (Dave  Lapsley  and 


You  don't  want  to  miss  these! 

g        IlicTDtonlDttalcilninijinl  skyline   You  can  even  sec  ll>c 
ini\Mi)niir>  ship(  .inhbcjn  Mercy  docked  juniinhelelml 

r'jfl      ihcSk>  Dome 

II  she  u  ascs  ihjl  hrussel  spioul  in  in\  late  one  iiioic  iinie.  I 
think  I'm  going  lo  scream'  iJen  Mitchell  and  Andrea 

Hurr>  up  and  take  the  picture  I'm  gettin):  hungrs  and  I  want 
to  cat  m\  lunch.  NOW  (Maryl'-llcn  White  and  Shawn 
Ham  son  I 

f  \ 

Now  I  remember  what  I  forgot  -  my  fiuzy  bunny  slippcn! 
I  Cathy  Vandcrlaan  I 

Seeing  that  Jen  was  distracted.  Bill  took  the  oppoitunily  to 

sIUmV.  .lIlolhtT  L  .ill  I  if  isic 




She's  doing  the  eye  thing  again  isn't  she?    Oh,  that  is       No.  I  haven't  been  eating  a  lot  of  chocolate.    Wl 
so  gross!   Get  me  out  of  here,  please!   No.  don't  leave-      you  ask?  (Lisa  Chan) 
take  me  v^ith  you!  (Knsta  Hall  &  Margie  May) 





It   looks   like  Joel   is  dreaming  ot   a   land   wilhoui 
homework,  professors,  rwmiates.     But  a  place  whert- 
he  can  sleep  all  he  wants! 
(Joel  Kighlley) 

Forouzan  Bazyer 

Nat  Brettell 


Fred  Hall 

Mark   Hiemstra 

Mark  Jefferson 

Jay  Jung 

Joel   Kightley 


Matt  Langfrey 

Jay  Lehman 

Carsten  Lorenz 

Ron    Mahler 

Todd  Nickerson 

Dion  Oxford 

Brent  Rodgers 

John  Rlee 

Martin  Sancho-Davila 

Tim  Stevens 

Len  Veenstra 

Steve  Vincent 

Mussie  Yohans 

Dave  Young 

James  Yun       ,  t 



•  •    • 

•  •   • 

•  •   • 

•    • 

•   •    • 

•    • 


•  •  • 



I  vaiiir  lo  this  rrMaunuii  lo  cnj<i\  a  ijuirl  iiicil.  nul  (u 
he  h.>iiJN>rd  hy  a  tinicia  vkrililing  licnJ'  (Kalhy 

Iraccy   Annciic  Whilson  Bahru 
Thuy  Bach 

Cheryl   Bradley 
'       Kwan-Chce  Chan 


Na(a.sha  Gascho 
Juhe   Hackcll 
Kathy   Pcnncr 
Norma  Rainc 
Lisa  Rudulfo 

Toshimi  Takahashi 





lukinj:  oul  a  liltic  lime  u>  j;cl  ilic  cliinii  intu  shape 
(DaiT>l  Buckle,  showing  his  Artistic  talenis  I 

Gary   Armslroiif; 
Andrew  Baiber 

Andrew  Daley 

Karl  Degadillo 
Brad  Gibson 
Jamie  Harris 

Duane  Jukema 

Dave  Lapsley 

Andrew  Mack 

Greg  Mann 

Dave  McCallum 

Craig  Minchin 

David  Moore 

Daniel  Mullenger 

Douglas  Nagy 

Kofi   Prince 

Sale  Prince 

Darryl  Buckle 
Darren  Conley 

BJ  Raymond 
Jeff  Revill 


•  •  • 

•  • 

•  •  • 

•  •  • 



•  •  • 

•  • 

I  he  Mall>  ol  OHC 
Haniin  A    I. rami 

Mall    Harliin 
\lc\  Bcldaii 

Prevur  Brisbin 
IihIJ   Bnmn 

Brci  Chapman 
Mark  Croswell 
Kevin  Diicrksen 
Aaron  Ediinglun 
Aaron  Gordon 

Shawn  Harrison 
Kevin  Johnson 
Mai  Learn 
Sieve  Lougheed 
Joel  Main 


Dave  Tughan 



Myke  McCarron 
Paul  Moms 
Mark  Poullon 
Jamie  Shaw 
Jonathan  Thompson 

Liwk  deep  into  my  eyes!  You  are  now  under  my  power' 

I  want  you  to  clean  my  room,  write  my  papers,  and 

serve  me  dinner! 

(Holly  Dickson  and  Stephanie  Feddema  doing  a  miiul 


Charlene  ArchibaiJ 
Holly  Dickson 





Joanna  Eto 

Stephanie  Feddema 

Knsta  Hall 

Melody  Hamilton 

Andrea  Murdock 

Nancy  Doughty 
Rhonda  Douglas 

Darlene  Noble 

Vanessa  O'Hara 

Megan  Smith 

Cathy  Vanderlaan 

''-aO    j-a 


•  •  • 

•  •  • 


•  .•••••  .  •••••  .#••••  .•••• 

•  •  • 

••••  ..••• 

I.uana  Bu.sch 
Niciile  Craig 

I  ju\l  can'l  win"  I  lr>  l»  gel  auay  from  ail  i>l  my  font. 
^       but  (hey  never  give  up' 

(I.uana  HuM.h  &  Ihr  guys  at  Crnlir  Island  I 

Jenn  Dyeii 
Jennifer  Hcideman 


Allison  Mcintosh 
Julie  Peters 
Rosannc  Pumwasie 
Heather  Robinson 
Tncia  Roes 

Suzanne  Shaver 
Sarah  Smith 
Amy  Stewart 
Marcia  Van  Schclven 







^""^^(D^-^^  (^^h)®x 

U   I  have  to  pose  with  my  sister  one  more  time,  I 


(Sisters  &  Roomies  -  Paula  &  Lisa  Chan) 



Tara  Belhveau 
Lisa  Chan 

Paula  Chan 
Sarah  Coalter 

Karen  Cox 

Samara  Drouin 

Deborah  Ford 

Erinn  Gram 

Shellev  Hart 

Andrea  Johnston 

Heather  Johnston 

Melanie  Joseph 

Sarah  Post 

Klara  Siber 

Krista  Webb 
Mary-Ellen  White 

•     •    • 

•    •    • 

•    •    • 

•    •    • 



•  •  • 

•  • 

•  •  • 

•  • 

Jt>hn   Anderson 
Kcilh  AniJcrson 

Sharon   Andersun 
Marccllo   Araujo 

Ijkin>.'  \r)!rlaiiaii  j  hil  tiit>  tiir' 
(Kciili  Uuiidi>i.k,  l>cwintiimal  Co-Ctuur) 






Ian  Anenda-Jose 
Sieve  Balmer 
Debbie  Bedford 
Keith  Belmar 
Rene  Brown 

Keilh  Bundock 
Jennifer  Busullil 
Diana  Campbell 
Agalha  Cheung 
Jimmy  Chung 

Jonathan  Collins 
Matthew  Craig 
R<iland  Craig 
Kathryn  Crichton 
Ri/-/.a  Damian 

Ravio  Da  Silva 
Ron  Dyer 
Scan  Elliott 
Joe   Elkcrlon 

Rudi  roKhlinpcr 

'»  O^-*-  «•:«  8^  ^  V 






lis  a  new  game-lettuce  launching,  till  the  head  back. 



Richard  Fisher 
Helga  Freund 

Michael   Fritz 
Ronald  Gardner 

G  Gatcant 

Michael  Gibney 

Perry  Goodyear 

Michelle  Grant 

Mane  Green 

Rick  Grundy 

Yordanos  Haile 

Elaine  Henderson 

Mana  Hernandez 

Leigh  HesUnga 

Becky  Hills 

Tricia  Hunt 

Leslie  Jackson 

Hynn-Mee  Jang 

Bill  Jewitt 

Judith  Jewitl 

Christian  Jones 

Carolyn  Jun 

Jehun  Jung 

Greg  Kay 


••-     -    -••• 

•    •    • 

•  •   • 

•  • 



Jaiiic>  Kcarslcy 
Ann  Mane  Keddv 

George  Kefalas 

John  Kelly 

Wauh  >iiui  \iull '    Whi>  do  yiHi  ihini  I  jni ' 

Fanbor?   Khandani 
William  Kim 
k-na  Kuack 
Sang  Kwon 
Andrew   Lammc 

•\nn  I-ee 
Kan  Lee 
Tim   I.emiinl 
Antcro  Manninen 
Anna  Martin 

Heather  Medhurst 

Karen  Miller 

Terry   Miller 

Michael  MiUom-LcBreux 

Jennifer  Moms 

Michael  Moms 

Michael  Morris 
Darka  Na/arko 
Maureen  Newman 
Lien  Nguyen 
Tixld   Nickerson 









James  Nyarku 

Eminanuol  Oduro 

Mark  Page 

James  Park 

David  Plain 

Mark  Ro 

Scott  Sadler 

Mike  Schaub 

David  SchuchardI 

Kevin  Shepherd 

Vanessa  Sim 
Joshua  Sklar 

Kundan  Sohanlal 
Tony   Stomiiovic 

Trevor  Swanson 

Sean  Taylor 

Michael  Tesema 

Catharine  Thornton 

Scott  Waddell 

Dale  Watson 

Rohan  Waugh 

Jennifer  Weaver 

Sarah   Whitmore 

Peter  Wilson 

Paul  Wylie 

Myung-Hee  Yane 

Kwame  Yeboah 

Jack  Kwong-ming  Yuen 

•    •    • 

•   •    • 

•    • 

•  •    • 

•   •  •    •• 

•   • 




Kenneth  N.  Achioso 

"Our  committment  is  as  strong  as 
our  will  to  tullill  them."  Four  years 
at  OBC  and  with  it  came  many 
challenges,  blessings,  friends  and 
memories  It  is  good  experience  to 
studv  and  work  at  OBC.  It  is  home 
awav  from  home.  1  would  like  to 
express  m\'  thanks  to  the  staff  and 
students  of  OBC  and,  especially  my 
family,  for  all  the  encxiuragement 
and  support  I  needed  to  endure  to 
the  end  and  achieve  this 
accomplishment  for  Gods  glory. 
But  thanks  to  God  for  leading  and 
helping  me  to  take  the  baton  to  the 
very  end.  LongliveOBC!  Ilovevou 

Todd  Brown 

Men  crayon  est  grand  et 

John  Bryan 

Through  so  many,  I  know 
God  is  in  my  midst.  I  thank 
the  4  godly  men  who  are  my 
promisekeepers;  Winona 
Gospel  for  believing:  my 
family  who  gave  beyond 
reason  for  my  sake;  to  Cindy, 
for  the  way  you  love  God  by 
loving  me!  You  are  my 
princess!  To  all,  see  you  again 
one  day  where  the  streets 
have  no  name. 

Geoff  Bressington 

The  last  three  years  have  been  an 
interesting  journey.  1  longed  for 
answers,  but  leave  with  more 
questions.  I  desired  to  learn 
more,  but  realise  1  know  nothing. 
My  mind,  thoughts,  life, 
Christianity,  concept  of  God,  and 
future  have  been  expanded 
through  OBC,  and  for  this  I  give 
thanks  and  glory  to  Christ  the 
Creator,  Reconcilor,  and 

Luana  Busch 

"My  future  seemed  to  stretch 
before  me  like  a  straight  road. 
I  could  see  along  it  for  many  a 
milestone.  Now  there  is  a 
bend  in  it.  It  has  a  fascination 
of  its  own,  that  bend.  I  wonder 
how  the  road  be\'ond  it  goes  - 
what  new  landscapes  -  what 
new  beauties  -  what  curves 
and  hills  and  valleys  further 


Kevin  Doerksen 

My  life  here  at  OBC  has  been  a 
lot  like  a  basketball  game. 
Besides  all  the  double  dribbles 
and  technical  fouls,  it's  been 
worth  it  for  those  donks!  So, 
when  life  gives  you  an  airball, 
just  reverse  jam  it,  baby!  Love 
you  all! 

Romans  12:1-2 

Lesley  Harris 

Hokey  -  doodle  time  flies!  To  all  of  you 
I  know  and  love  (you  know  who  you 
are),  1  thank  vou  for  the  giggles,  cheek 
pinching,  winks,  hugs,  chats,  tea, 
dinner  and,  most  of  all,  your  prayers 
and  encouragement.  As  simple  as 
these  things  may  be  I  am  truly  grateful 
for  the  time  shared,  memories  made 
and  the  friendships  that  have 
blossomed.  Remember  to  always 
"taste  and  see  that  the  Lord  is  good" 
Prv  34:8.  Bub  -  bye  cheeky  monkeys  - 
God  bless. 


Vaughn  Butt 

where  do  I  go  from  here?  God  orJy 
knows,  but  wherever  that  is  I  will  be 
going  differently  than  I  would  have 
before  OBC.  Thanks  to  all  my  Profs 
for  the  permanent  mark  each  has 
left  in  my  mind.  Thanks  also  to  all 
the  players  and  coaches  of  the  ice 
hockey  team  for  making  College 
extra  challenging  by  giving  me  a 
reason  to  get  up  unusually  early  or 
stay  up  unusually  late  practicing  or 
playing  (I  really  did  enjoy  it 
though!).  I'd  especially  like  to 
express  my  gratitude  to  my  dear 
wife,  Ardelle,  my  parents  and  my 
family  for  their  love  and  support 
that  helped  me  through,  and,  oh 
yeah,  THANK  YOU,  LORD! 


William  J.  Jcvvfll 

Kiini  H:37-38  "...Nothing  in  .ill 
creation  can  separate  us  from 
God's  love  tor  us  in  Christ 
Jesus  our  Lord!"  Thank  you 
God  (or  not  giving  up  on  me 
You  have  helped  me  j;row  up 
and  seek  your  tace:  dad's 
death,  marrving  Judv,  vour 
calling  me 
Come  Lord  Jesus! 

Debbie  Lebel 

I  oagfrly  expect  and  hope  that  I 
will  in  no  way  be  ashamed,  but 
will  have  sufficient  courage  so 
that  now  as  always  Christ  will  be 
exalted  in  my  body  For  to  me,  to 
live  is  Christ  and  to  die  is  gain. " 
Phil  1:20-21 

I  thank  God  above  all,  and  my 
fnends  and  professors  who  taught 
me  so  much  I'm  excited  about  mv 
life  in  Christ  and  how  He  will 
touch  others  through  me. 

Carolyn  (H.  K.)  Jun 

I  give  God  the  glory  and 
honour  for  all  that  He  has 
June  for  me.  In  mv  incredible 
sears  in  OBC,  it  is  vou  whom 
I've  played  with,  prayed  with, 
laughed  with  and  love  that  1 
am  grateful  for.  Many  thanks 
to  my  family,  for  their  love; 
my  friends,  faculty,  for  their 
prayer-filled  support;  and 
most  of  all,  my  mom,  for  her 
love  and  faith  in  me. 


judilh  .M.  levvelt 

I  Ins  has  been  a  busy,  but 
e\enlful  year  I  have  met  many 
new  petiple  thai  have  shared 
iheir  love  (or  God  with  us. 
Dunng  the  last  ■<  years,  He  has 
drastically  changed  my  lite  and 
has  given  me  a  passion  for 
I  lim  Thank  vou  to  all  my  close 
Iriends,  especially  to  Bill,  who 
is  a  gift  from  Heaven. 



Hui-Jong  K.  Kim 

Special  .shouts  of  thanks  to: 
V.  Matthews,  thank  you 
praying  for  me  every  day; 
S.  Thomson,  thank  you 
always  being  there  for  me; 
Qara.  Grace,  thanks  for  being  my 
speaal  friends. 
Mom,  Dad,  Hui  S.,  1  love  you. 

Isaiah  41:13 
Jesus,  You're  still  the  Best!! 
Mv  heart  sings  for  joy  to  the  living 

H.  R.  K. 

Aileen  Lee 

All  the  way  my  saviour  leads  me 

What  can  1  to  ask  f*-side 

Can  1  doubt  hi>  tender  meroi' 

W'ho  through  lite  has  been  my 


Mv  years  at  OBC  is  one  purpose  and 
great  memones  to  all  m v  fnends 
who  helped  make  thks  piissible  -  tjvank 
vou  and  I  love  vou!  I'll  al  ways  diensh 
the  time  we  shared  together  To  my 
family,  thanks  lor  vour  love  and 
support.  And  to  Gtxf  fn)m  whom  all 
blessing  flow  -  ma>'  all  the  glop,-  and 
honour  be  unto  voii! 

Philip  D.  MacCormack 

During  my  years  at  OBC,  1 
have  seen  many  victories  and 
fun  times,  as  well  as  hard 
times  and  loss.  All  of  these 
made  me  who  I  am  today. 
Thank  you.  Lord.  Thanks  to 
my  parents  and  brothers,  I 
love  you.  To  my  wife, 
Jennipher,  thank  you  for  your 
constant  reminder  of  who 
Jesus  is;  I  love  you. 

Philippians  3:7-11 

Gwen  Roberts 

Praise  be  to  God  for  my 
husband,  Getirge.  Without  his 
love  and  total  support,  my 
dream  would  have  remained  a 
dream.  Thank  you.  Lord,  for 
my  family  and  friends;  their 
faithful  prayers  conhnued  to 
keep  me  strong  when  I  was 
weak.  I'm  grateful  for  my 
mentors,  Henry  al  OBC,  and 
Paul  al  'The  Mount'  Without 
their  patient  understanding,  I 
could  not  have  become  the 
p>erson  1  am  today.  Praise  God 
from  whom  all  blessings  flow. 


jan  Rothenburger 

Cfod  called  me  to  uif  m\'  gite  and 
abilibes  tor  Him  in  urban  ministry'.  He 
has  tilled  me  vMlh  Hl«;  lo\e  to  pour  out 
upon  the  poor  homeless,  weak, 
prostitutes,  pris^iners,  and  the  sick.  1 
feel  called  to  be  a  part  ot  their 
aimmunities  -  to  take  the  church 
outside  the  walls  and  emulate  Qirist 
to  them. 

The  Spirit  ot  the  Lord  is  upon  me, 
because  He  has  anointed  me  to  preach 
goodnewstothepixir.  Hehassentme 
to  proclaim  tivedom  tor  the  pristmers 
and  recoverv'  ot  sight  lor  the  blind,  to 
release  the  oppa-ssed,  to  prixrlaim  the 
vear  of  the  Lords  favour." 

Luke  4: 18 

Krista  Webb 

My  3  years  have  been  a  tiine  of 
incredible  experiences;  I  have 
grouTi  and  come  to  appreciate 
the  value  of  searching  for 
answers.  I  thank  God  for  the 
memories  and  amazing 
friendships  that  will  last  a 
lifetime!  "Ma\'  the  God  who 
gives  endurance  and 
encouragement  give  you  a  spirit 
of  unity  among  yourselves  as 
you  follow  Christ  Jesus..." 

Josh  Sklar 

Well,  3  years  have  come  and 

gone  and  I  leave  a  little  wiser 

and  very  broke. 

All  those  people  who  I  love,  I 

love  vou  too  much  to  put  just 

your  initials  down.  You  know 

who  you  are. 

Don't  just  learn,  put  it  into 


On   to   bigger   and   better 

things.   This  is  the  Sklar-ship 

Enterprise,  signing  off.  I  love 

you  all. 

Kundan  Sohanlal 

I  thank  God  for  this  unique 
opportunity  to  attend  such  an 
institution  as  OBC  and  to 
grow  in  academia  and  in  the 
knowledge  of  Him.  I  pray 
that  the  positive  experience 
I've  had  at  OBC  will  have 
repercussions  for  the  rest  of 
my  life.  It's  been  a  lot  of  fun 
both  in  and  out  of  class!  In 
Christ,  K.  S. 

Sharon  Anderson 

David  Bretzlaff 

Tim  Rout 

There  are  many  things  to 
be  learned  at  Bible  School: 
denominational  distinctives 
combined  with  a  healthy  dose  of 
doctrinal  dogmatism.  Remember 
that  the  first  rule  of  discipleship  is 
"love "  and  the  first  rule  of  theology 
is  "humility".  Disagree  with  your 
brother,  but  love  him.  Argue  your 
convictions,  but  remember  you 
are  sure  to  be  wrong  about 
something,  sometime 

Peter  Wilson 

As  I  look  ahead  to  ministry, 
my  heart's  desire  is  to  be  used 
by  God  in  whatever  ways  he 
sees  fit.  May  my  life  reflect  the 
joy  of  my  salvation,  and  may  ) 
be  faithful  and  true  to  the 
gospel  of  Jesus  Christ.  I  look 
back  and  see  God's  hanc 
guiding  and  directing;  I  lool 
forward  in  uncertainty,  bv 
rest  in  that  same  guidinp. 



Ron  Dvrr 

Michael  Gibney 

John  Kelly 

Grace  Kim 

Joanne  McLoughlin 

Heather  Medhursl 

Sherry  Loeffler 


Stephen  Morgan 

Graham  Buchanan 

So,  after  3  years  at  OBC,  I  can  call 
up  mv  close  friends  and  say,  "Hi, 
may  I  speak  to  your  husband 

Washington  BB  Central  ruled  93- 
95  Credit  card  chick  Sports  =  life 
Lowercase  ]  Steph,  Mark  Get 
married  will  va  Simpson 
(Phoenix)  Risk  nights 
students  and  staff  sorry  if  I 
disturbed  vour  class  (when  I  was 
there)  Mom,  Dad,  Hev  Love  U. 
God  Thanks!  Peace!  Im  outta 
here!  Retiring  #23. 

Krista  Hall 

Three  years  at  OBC  have 
taught  me  to  be  mischevious, 
to  question  ever\'thing,  and  to 
love  God  hugely.  I've  met  an 
amazing  God  who  is  more 
real  than  life.  I  praise  God  for 
you  all,  especially  MM,  TB, 
kp,  MJ,  HD,  MV,  and  "the 
fam".  May  He  bless  your 
socks  off!! 

Myung-Hee  Yang 

Steve  Bussey 

As  a  parent  nurtxires  a  child,  so  OBC 
has  equipped  me  with  the  knowledge 
to  find  the  tools  to  guide  me  through  a 
lifetime  of  change,  challenge,  & 
charity.  1  have  learned  that  failure  is 
OK  if  we  rise  to  learn  from  mistakes  & 
rise  to  the  challenge  of  the  future.  I 
have  learned  to  question  &  change 
while  remaining  relatively  dogmatic. 
And  I  have  learned  that  when 
encountering  the  charity  of  Christ, 
there  is  compassion  for  a  globe  crying 
for  spiritiial  &  physical  redemption. 
After  laughter  &  tears,  trial  &  error, 
let's  leave  the  nest! 

Mark  Jefferson 

3(X)  spaces  to  sum  up  5  years? 
Okay.  I  came  to  OBC  thinking 
I  knew  exactly  what  God 
wanted  for  me.  But,  He 
showed  me  differently  -  many, 
many  times  -  with  the  help  of 
others.  So,  what  have  1 
learned?  Expectations  are 
overrated.  Expect  nothing 
from  anyone  and  everything 
from  God.  You'd  be  surprised! 

David  Plain 

Tara  Belliveau 

The  Lord  your  God  is  with  you; 

He  is  mighty  to  save. 

He  will  take  great  delight  in  you. 

He  will  quiet  you  with  His  love; 

He  will  rejoice  over  you  with 


Zeph  3;17 
Thanks  to  my  family,  especially 
my  grandma,  and  to  DarreU  and 
all  my  friends. 

Kay  Chan 

I  really  wondered  if  I  could 
complete  my  program  at  OBC 
when  I  took  the  first  course.  It 
was  so  hard  and  I  did  not  know 
what  I  should  do.  Should  I 
withdraw  from  the  college? 
How  could  I  finish  all  the  rest  in 
the  future?  I  asked  God  why 
He  let  me  enter  this  program.  I 
could  only  pray  to  Him.  Now 
as  I  look  back,  I  can  only  praise 
the  Lord  that  He  made  it,  not 

George  A.  Kefalas 

My  experience  at  OBC  has 
been  indelible  and  unicjue.  I 
would  like  to  thank  the 
faculty  for  their 
encouragement  and  warmth 
and  fellow  students  who 
exemplified  the  significance 
ofcommimity.  "O  Lord  Jesus 
Christ,  Son  of  God,  have 
mercy  upon  me,  a  sinner." 
Moreover,  "  Him  are  all 
things,  to  whom  be  glory 
forever  Amen  "  (Rom  11:36) 

Rich  Birch 

Rev  19:6-8.  Good  books.  Great 
friends.  I  thank  God  for  the 
experience  of  studying  at  OBC.  I 
look  forward  to  seeing  God  using 
all  in  the  building  of  His 
kingdom.  Maranatha! 

Jeremy  Choi 


Thanks  be  to  God  Almighty  for 
bringing  me  through  the  past 
three  years  here  at  OBC,  and 
for  His  continuing  providence. 
I  am  also  very  thankful  for  the 
friends  along  the  way  who 
offered  encouragement, 
strength,  and  lots  of  love. 
Thanks  especially  to  GH,  BL, 
LH,  MP,  WH,  IL,  my  former 
employer  LA,  my  roommates 
]B,  SC,  TA,  and  last,  but 
certainly  not  least.  Miss  Julie 
Poulie.  Take  care  and  God 

Sara  Margaret  May 

I  thank  God  for  all  that  1  have 
learned  at  OBC  in  the  past  three 
years,  both  academically  and  in 
every  other  part  of  OBC  life. 
Especially,  I  want  to  thank 
Pemell,  my  mom  and  others  who 
have  supported  me  in  prayer  and 

"The  soul  can  split  the  sky  in  two. 
And  let  the  face  of  God  shine 
through."  -  Edna  St.  Vincent 


I'.iul  Morris 

Too  much  to  s<iv  in  such  a 
small  space  S*>  how  about 
this:  I  am  tori'ver  ^ratftul  lor 
evfr\'ont'  who  has  madi-  mv 
OBC  ytapi  some  ot  the  best  ot 
my  life.  God  has  challen);ed, 
equipped,  stren>;thened, 
rebuked,  and  blessed  me 
through  this  place.  This  isn't 
goodbye  -  this  is  the  start  ot 
something  new  -  something 
amazing.  Give  me  your 
vision.  lesus    H.ib  \2. 


Dion  Oxford 

I  had  a  great  time  at  OBC.  I 
even  learned  a  thing  or  two 
(even  with  A  I.  pestering  me 
the  whole  time  I  love  you 
though.)  Asian  was  cool  - 
thanks,  guys,  1  even  met  the 
beautiful  Miss  Erinn      I  love 

VOU!     tiod  IS  glH)d 

I'.S.  Don't  eat  yellow  snow! 


Congratulations  Ptiilip.  you  made  it!  Your  years  at  OBC  have  not  all  t>een  easy 
ones,  but  witti  your  eyes  firmly  set  on  the  prize  you  ran  the  race  with  honor  I  am 
s«i\ery  proud  of  you  I  can  see  G(xl  changing  ynu  into  ihe  man  He  wants  you  lo 
he  and  I  l<x>k  lo  the  future  with  great  expectation  Thank-you  for  all  the  joy  and  you  bnng  lo  me.  All  my  love  S.P.. 


Ann  Marrie  Keddy 

V\'hjt  I  am  becoming  is  far  more 

important  than  what  I  have 


I  know  God  will  grant  me  the 

strength  to  continue  on. 

Thanks,  Lord,  for  my  mom, 

dad,  and  family,  KM,  MS,  AM, 


I  Love  You  All!  xoxo 

Now,  let  my  journeys  begin! 

Hmmm.l  wonder  on  who  ihis  picture  is  of  go 
on!..  Take  a  guessl...(  I  will  give  you  a  hint:  he 
has  long  hair) 

Carsten  Lorenz 


The  side  of  the  Grads  that  you  Ve  never  seen!! 

•^T    V. 

Pop  Quiz  Grads. 

1.  Who  is  this? 

2.  When  was  this  taken'' 

She's  got  "Betty  Davis"  eyes. 


"Lactuscorpe  bene  facet"  (Milk  does  the  body  good!)  -  Deep 
thoughts  by  Carsten  Lorenz. 

Tara  Bclliveau-Queen  land  a  half)  of  the  South 

'■jfi^t  mrt  u.'-^^nnuuM 

I  ntotlunaicl).  mil  llR- hcvl  shoi  111  |iiiim:  his       I  riiti      hii      Ah      I  ji 
Holncss  ■  Sorr).  Toddic'   Jonah  2  1"  quclion' 

I  I.    I'L   ^  t        111 


Oh.  please  take  my  picture  jusi  one  more  lime. 

■  I  Love.  .'What  was  that  last  line  again?'  Joel  sings  the 
praises  of  warm  beverages 

I  will  graduate'    1  WILL  Graduate.  ■  Posilisc 
ri-inforcements  by  Runs  Haynes.  Congrats,  old 

S\  c  want  Vou  on  the  'KW     Leadership   I  cam       I'jui 
Morns  -  President  on  his  recruitment  campaign 


'    0    c  ..  ^v-^'^ 

r  £  WM^WkfW 



Thanks  to  the 
Faculty  &  Staff 

Business   Office:      I.ana  Baglole.  Julie  Light,  Juanita  Stcrnbergh,  Elise 
Hung.  Linda   Logan-Wood. 

Bookstore     Andrew    Bronson    -    Booksture   Manager;     Rebecca   Reoch 

Bo^<k^^.l^e   AsMs(anl  Manager;    Jeff  Stearnes  -  Clerk; 

Campus  Facilities:  Jeff  Beamish  -  A/V  &  Secunty  Co-ordinalur.  John 
Buckley  •  Campus  Facilities  Manager;  Guang  Cai  -  Custodial  Services;  Mike 
Comeau  -  Custtxlial  Sei^ices;  Hector  McLean  -  Campus  Facilities  Assistant 
Manager.  G«orge  Whitmore  -  Stationary  Engineer;  Brian  Schnurr  -  Custodial 
Services;  Andrew  Smith  -  Custodial  SerMces  Supervisor;  Neil  Vanleeuwen  - 
Custodial  Services:  Dave  Young.  Sarah  Whitmore,  Carsten  Lorenz, 
Martin   Kamirtijini    Kearsley.  Farihor/   Khandani     Custodial   Services   P/T 

Library:  Rebecca  Tuck  -  Circulation  Assistant;  Chris  Beldan  -  Technical 
Services  Librarian;  Sandy  Finlayson  -  Library  Director;  Emma  Penner  - 
Acquisitions  Assistant;  Barbara  Robinson  -  Technical  Services  Assistant;  Hugh 
Rendle     Public  Services  Librarian;  Darlene  Noble  -  Student  Helper.  Shelly  Hart 

-  Student  Helper. 


Student  Life:  Rudy  Dirks  -  Dean  of  Students,  Director  of  Counselling  Services/ 
Chaplain;  Laura  Collins  -  Secretary;  Sharon  Ramsey  -  Counsellor;  Kara 
Riepma  -  Student  Worker;  Steve  Wilson  -  Director  of  Student  Activities/ 
Commuter  Services 

Development:     Jennipher  MacCormack-  Administrative  Assistant;    Lana 
Baglole-  Receipts  Assistant;    Sandy  Green  -  Development  Administrator. 

"Similarly,  i/uouram'  ilic  yoiini^  nun  to  he  silJ-conintlUd.    In  cviryihin^i  sii  ilutn  an  example 
by  doinii  what  is  i^otni.    In  ymtr  leaching  shifw  integrity,  seriousness  and  soundness  of  speech 
that  cannot  he  condemned,  so  that  those  who  oppose  y<ni  may  he  ashamed  hecaitse  they  have 
nothinii  had  to  say  ahout  us. "  Titus  2:6-H 

rimPUff  ■'Yf1'""'>  l>>a'><  Ml MliMtr.  Julit  lliickill.  \iulrtH  Mack,  (  hrr>l 
Bradley,  Tara  Belli\eau,  Mtalhtr  Mtdhursl.  Karilxir/  Khundaiii.  ktiidru  (IuIiih, 
Mikr  C'omeau.  Brian  I  indvlroni,  Phil  Mac(  cirniack.  Hrrnl  Walls.  ( Graham  Buchanan. 
Malt  Langfre.\.  Marti  Bt-aniish,  JcfT  Bi-amish  -  Director  ol  Sccunlv .  Mark  Page  - 
S<rcunl>  Captain. Carslen  l.oretiz  ■  Secunl>  Caplain;Dave  Young-  Secunly  Caplain. 


PiihlicSfnicf  lo-Drdinaliir:  I-nri  Hoyes 

Registrar's  Office  Dr.  Stc»cn  Ro>  Regisiar;Kevin  Kirk-  Enrollmcni  ScnicesCo 
ordinalor .Nita  Slemmler  AdminislraliN e  AssisianlXea  Robinson-  FinaiKial  AidCo- 
ordinaior.  Leslie  Harris.  Nicole  Craig  -  Student  Helper. 

AdminLstraU\e  Assiittanl  to  the  Acatlemic  Dean 

&  QBC  FiKuHy 

Jennifer  Simcoe 



Gcnnaiiie  Ramsey 

V.P.  Finance  &  Administration 

Winston  Ling 



i-il  I  ihisl(  inn  oul.  answer  this,  line  up  here  now. 
sii  down  -  Boy  all  ihis  lor  my  bliHHl" 

"Go!  Ya!"  I've  been  kH)king  lor  you  every  where 
third  North  charjicd  with  \accuuin  hording 

This  is  dcrinilcly  nol  part  of  my  job  descripooo. 

Lea  looks  dazed  &  confused  and  she  hasn't  even  given 
hlood  yel. 

'  •  ®  PACE 

'• . . 



Mr.  Rudy  Dirks 

Dean  of  Students 
Director  of  Counselling/Chaplain 

Dr.  Robert  C.  Duez 

Bible  &  Theology/Independent 
Studies  Co-ordinator 

Dr.  Stephen  Roy 


Mrs.  Elizabeth  A.  Davey 

General  Arts 
Co-ordinator   1   yr.  Certificate 

Mr.  John  Franklin 

Academic  Dean 
General  Arts  Chairperson 

Ms.  Diane  Speirs 

Music  Majors  Co-ordinator 

Dr.   Robert   Hiebert 

Bible  &  Theology 

Dr.  Erwin  Penner 

Bible  &  Theology  Chairperson 


Dr.    Paul   Kriesen 

Cioneriil    Arts 

Dr.  David   Russell 

Pastorial    Major'N   Co-ordinator 

Mr.  Sandy   Kinlayson 


Rev.  Steve    Ihomson 

Bible  &  Theology 


Dr.   J.   Klitabrlh   I'ustrrski 

MinistrN    Studies  Chairperson 

Early  Ouldhood/Special  NceJs  Majors 


Mr.  (ilenn  A.   \N)p»r 

Bihle  &  Thcol..g> 

Mrb.   l.jnii   Siiiilli 
V  P    of  Sludcnl  .Affairs 


Mr.  Kin  Badlev 
Mr.  Hcnr)   Brnlez 
Mr.  Laird  ("rump 
Ms.  Barbara  Ha>  craft 
Mr.  Justin  Dcnnison 
Mr.  Dan  Scott 
Mrs.  Marilyn  O'Donncll 
Mr.  Peter  Oulton 
Mr.  Nick  Hunter 
Mr.  Paul  Johansen 
Mr.  Bruce  (lemenger 
Mrs.  Francey  .McKenzie 
Mrs.  Sheila  Stevens 
Mrs.  Kathy  Lawrence 
Mr.  Steve  Baldry 
Mr.  Andrew 
Mr.  Ben  \  olnian 
Mr.  Ror\  Hinton 

Youih  Ministry 
Ministry  Studies 
Ministry  Studies 
General  Arts 
General  Arts 
General  Arts 
Family  Violence 
Ministry  Studies 
General  Arts 
General  Arts 







-     I    • 











/-  • 


tj«<r»* 'twr  nm  '  i  ■», 


^^f       'My   wife   gave   me   permitMon  lu  tiiy   out   Ule 
lunighl    Yainiiie,UH>-Ucr>jani'! 

Brother  Ji>hnalhan  ge(t  iheulugical  advice  from  Man 

For  Ihis  picture  we  cciuldn'i  think  of  a  comment    So  put 
your  own  in! 


Somethings  are  worth  remembering.  -  Tara.  A.*faw(95' 
gradl.  and  Margie  May. 

E.f  cuse  me.  but  were  you  invited  ...and  you're  taking  my 
picture  because?  -  Nicole  on  a  good  day' 



Forget  Old  Teslanicnc!  I  know  1  wroii-  her  nuniher 
down  here  somewhere!-Mark  &  Mike  irying  hard  to 
graduate  with  their  'MRS'. 



f/i    i 


t    t 


O^         ,tjTl 


T^    L^^'^^^i' 

i    '^^ 


Learning  through  God's  Diversity 

Living  in  a  school  filled  with  si>  many  different  personalities  and  backgrounds  is  an  excellent  opportunity  to 
ha\  e  a  glimpse  of  the  diversities  Clod  blessed  this  world  with.  Not  only  a  school  for  most  but  a  home  away  from 
home,  living  here  opens  ones  nund  and  allows  a  person  to  glean  from  the  knowledge  and  experience  of  thier 
peers.  .Although  not  always  easy  to  deal  with,  the  diversities  that  we  have  are  all  brought  together  by  one 
conuiion  bond.  Jesus  Christ.  We  all  know  Him,  love  Him  and  want  to  be  obedient  to  him  and  this  is  a  bond 
between  us  that  can  never  be  broken. 

1  have  already  said  that  this  is  worth  while  but  not  always  easy.  We  on  third  floor  try  to  demonstrate 
our  vision  which  is  "community  despite  diversity".  Our  floor  is  the  ultimate  example  of  diversity,  with  ages 
ranging  right  across  the  board.  With  the  differences  of  ages  comes  different  outlooks  on  life  as  we  are  talking 
about  totally  different  generations  merging.  For  example,  we  have  one  great  man  that  is  generationally 
challenged  that  finds  it  completely  necessary  to  wander  the  halls  in  next  to  nothing.  I  can't  remember  sseing 
him  in  my  first  month  of  school  in  anything  but  a  towel.  Others  that  are  certifiable  hennits,  others  that  have 
divine  knowledge  on  every  subject  from  vleaning  toilets  to  the  trinity,  and  still  some  that  one  might  question 
their  sanity.  Despite  these  different  personalities,  we  come  together  as  brothers  in  Christ.  We  realize  our 
Innitations  as  individuals  and  grow  as  a  body.  Dorm  unity  is  an  incredibly  important  element  in  trust  and 
coming  together  as  this  community.  As  a  dorm,  we  have  partaken  in  the  sacred  ritual  of  the  mighty  hooligan 

night  which  has 
brought  us  closer 
together  in  striking  out 
against  others.  With 
obvious  expectations, 
the  dorm  has  grown  in 
loyalty  and  trust  with 
one  another  growing  as 
friends  and  brothers. 
We  on  the  third  floor 
count  ourselves 
privileged  to  serve  God 
together  under  the 
same  roof  and  will 
cherish  the 
relationships  we  have 
formed  in  the  glory  of 

The  Three  North  Boys:  Forouzan  Bazyer,  Nat 
Brettell,  Peter  Davidson,  Thomas  Francois, 
Fred  Hall,  Mark  Hiemstra,  Mark  Jefferson,  Jay 
Jung,  Joel  Kightley,  Matt  Langfrey,  Jay 
Lehman,  Carsten  Lorenz,  Ron  Mahler,  Todd 
Nickerson,  Dion  Oxford.  Brent  Rodgers,  John 
Rhee,  Martin  Sancho-Davila,  Tim  Stevens,  Len 
Veenstra,  Steve  Vincent,  Mussie  Yohans,  Dave 
Young,  James  Yun 

Mark  .Jefferson  &  Jay  Lehman 


Ud  South  has  cvolsi-d  liurn 

sear  lo  >cat     ■Commuiiils 

Jespilc  dixcrsilN "  ihcrcN 

never  been  a  Iheme  that 

(Jescribes  3S  so  well.    From 

sh>  lo  hyper,  classicul  to 

allernatne  uiih  a  Ja>h  ol 

united  naliDMN  nu\od  in.   < 

-South  ^la^d^  itN  jiround  lo 

add  to  the  overall  flavour  >>t 

the  OBC  Communiiy.    So  wc 

pride  ourselves  in  being 

ditlerenl     unique    diverse     we 

all  had  something  unique  lo 

give,  who  could  ever  forget 

the  closet  filled  with  food 

(Thanks.  Kathy.  for  the 

displays')    And  Toshimi  lor 

our  first  dorm  event'  (Squid  anyone?)  Pickle 

Barrel  with  the  guys  ...Docs  anyone  need  a 

smile'... Twee's  got  one!    Washboard 

Workout.    And  who  could  forget  Tracey's 

P   Jamma's.ihe  late  night  talks    (Thanks. 

Cheryl!)  Thanks  for  the  vocal  entertainment 

in  the  showers.  Florence.    We  were  sad  to 

say  goodbye  to  Heather,  and  Natasha,  bui  a 

warm  welcome  to  Lisa  C.  Renata. 

Sui-Min.  and  Christina.    Puzzling!  '!    And 

last,  but  not  least,  a  big  congradulations  lo 

Lisa  and  Bret! 

Thanks  for  the  year.  Ladies! 

f%o  ""fy^ 

Tracey  Bahrn.  Thuy  Bach.  Cheryl  Bradley.  Kwan-Chee  Chan.  Natasha  Gascho.  Julie  Hacketl.  Kalhy 
Penner.  Norma  Rainc.  Lisa  Rudolfo.  Toshimi  Takahashi 


Holly  Dickson  &  Krista  Hall 

/fit4/fi)^  kin^imn 

•3?'  ■•  -  i^^a  ■>->^'>^  -^  --' 


As  we  look  back  over  this  last  school  year,  we  see  each  of  Christ's  girls  stretched  to  be  more  like  their  Father. 
We  have  thought  about  what  we  want  to  leave  you  with,  words  from  Holly  &  Krista  that  don't  just  capture  the  fun 
or  what  you  have  learned,  but  will  continue  to  challenge  you  all! 

Remember... the  courageous  goals  you  have  made  and  will  continue  to  make;  if  it  is  something  you  are  scared 
10  do,  then  make  it  your  goal  to  do  it.  Take  Courage! 

Remember.. .to  do  everything  for  God's  glory  -  be  it  joking  around,  talking  to  the  Pizza  Man  (remember  to 
pray  for  the  Pizza  Man,  Mark)  or  pulling  pranks,  let  everything  please  you.  Father.  (Col.  3:17) 

Remember.. .if  you  feel  comfortable  where  you  are  at  with  Christ,  you  are  in  trouble.  Keep  asking  questions 
and  wanting  more. 

Remember.. .to  live  your  life  with  "No  Regrets". 

Remember.. .to  listen  to  God  asking,  "Do  you  trust  me?" 

Remember.. .laundry  chute,  Charlene's  flood,  love  of  pink,  flicking  the  fire  alarm,  swimming  petition,  our 
brother  dorm  that  wasn't,  our  dorm  supper  ("1  love  Erwin"),  ballerina  dolls.  Veggie  Tales,  not  knowing  what  dorm 
meeting  is,  all  our  pranks,... 

Remember.. .your  R.A.'s  really,  truly  love  you  and  always  brag  of  the  bestest  dorm.  Our  hope  and  prayer  is 
that  you  will  continue  to  live  madly  in  love  with  Jesus. 

y^if/r'- ' 

THE  FIVE  NORTH  (;IRI,S:  Charlcnc  Archibald,  Holly  Dickson,  Nancy  Doughty,  Rhonda  Douglas,  Joanna  Eto, 
.Stephanie  Feddenia.  Krista  Hall,  Melody  Hamilton,  Andrea  Murdock,  Darlene  Noble,  Vanessa  O'Hara,  Megan 
Smith,  Cathv  Vanderlaan. 


I  HK  MKN  OF  4  C'KN  TKAL:  Ciar\  Armstrunk:.  Andrew  Barber.  Darr\  I  Buckle.  IJarren  C'luilev.  Andrew  IJale)  . 
Karl  Degadillo.  Brad  Gibson.  Jamie  Hams,  Uuane  Jukema,  Dave  Lapsley.  Andrew  Mack.  Greg  Mann.  Dave 
McCallum.  Craig  Minchin.  David  Moore.  Daniel  Mullenger,  [Jouglas  Nagy.Kofi  Prince.  Sule  Prince.  Jett  Rev  ill. 


To  recall  the  past  year  in  4  central,  must  of  course,  begin  with  the  outstanding  mark  left  on  the  toothall  field.  Like 


a  tiger  released  trom  its 
back  whence  we  came.  The 
award  for  the  "Best  Domi 
All  scars  will  heal  in  time, 
kick  to  end  the  season  - 

-  Dan.  Dave.  Gary;    Song 

-  .Andy  &  Jeff;  Best  Spanish 
Karl;  Costco  Costomer  of 
hair  -  Dave;  Most  hair  lost 
to  help  comfort  the  poor 
for  his  interpretive  dance 
impersonation  for  Andy 
about  it.  So  here  is  to 

cage,  we  w  ere  quickly  w  hipped  and  sent 
recovery  was  progressing  well  until  the 
Supper"  was  snatched  from  our  grasp'! 
As  for  highlights,  the  list  is  long.  Longest 
Thunder;  Largest  line  on  a  losing  team 
of  the  year-  "I'm  in  love  w  ith  my  tractor" 
proverb  (the  only  spanish  proverb)  - 
the  year  -  Brad;  Most  money  offered  for 
without  so  much  as  a  dime  being  given 
soul  -  N.A.;  Creative  CommunicatK>n 
of  the  23rd  Psalm  -  Doug;  Best 
Ccipp  -  Andrew  Mack,  \^■eli.  that's 
Motorhead   Mundavs,   Metal   Rules 

Darrvl  Buckle 



The  Dorm  With  Spirit! 


The  Girls  of  5  Central:  Luana  Busch,  Nicole  Craig,  Jenn  Dyett,  Jennifer  Heideman, 
Allison  Mcintosh,  Julie  Peters,  Rosanne  Pumwasie,  Heather  Robinson,  Tricia  Roes, 
Suzanne  Shaver.  Sarah  Smith,  Amy  Stewart,  Marcia  Van  Schelven 

If  you  were  to  visit  5  Central  this  is  what  you'd  find: 

-  People  paintmg  the  lounge  (and  3rd  floor  guys). 

-  Enthusiastic  football  cheerers. 

-  Half  the  domi  still  awake  for  a  2:30  am  fire  alarm. 

-  People  drinking  tea. 

-  People  painting  plaques  and  complaining  about  their  fine  motor  skills. 

-  The  enthusiastic  consumption  of  sugar. 

-  The  ability  to  keep  secrets,  -  particularly  when  it  comes  to  dorm  dates. 

-  Praisefests  and  prayer. 
-  The  elevator,  garbage  room,  storage  room  and  ironing  room,  but  NO  BATHROOM! 

Central  boys  are  hot  to  go,  say  H-O-T-T-O-G-0! 












Recorded  here  in  the  annuls  ol  (hey.  wliai  arc  aiiiials  .iii>vsj>  ')  ihc  record  of  the  geneology  of  that  most 

holy  clan  ol  4  South: 

Aaron  E..  of  Red  Deer,  begat  Mark  C,  wearer  of  Tine  loin  clothes;  who  begat  Alex,  the  tanner  «)r  was 

ihal  Simon';  anyways,  he  hcgal  M\k.c  who'd  begone  ^Mth  Sieve,  l)a\c.  and  Todd    Nn\\  before  lodd  begone 

he  hi-gat  Mark  ol  Poulloii  and  we're  not  lalking  chicken,  he  begal  Bret,  maker  ol  line  breads;  who  beloaved 

Matt  B..  raised  in  the  land  of  Tuba;  who  in  turn  begat  Jamie,  of  no  specific  country;  then  Trev.  the  Hipiic 

was  begotten  who  becbopped  Aaron  G.  of  l,e\i  (no.  not  the  jeans');  hence  begotten  was  Johnalhan.  son  ot 

Ihomp;  who  lived  near  the  region  ol  Paul  "I'lankcve "  Moms;  who  when  he  was  of  age  begal  Shawn,  son  ol 

Harris  &  his  followers;  who  in  turn  begat  Mat.  of  Welcome,  and  his  fellow  brother  K.D  .  of  Lang,  who  after 

a  peniKl  of  months  begat  .  Jonathan  L..  commander  of  the  army;  finally  begotton  was  J  D  .  who  was  known 

xs  D.J.  when  he  looked  in  the  mirror.   Thus  ends  the  chronicles  of  the  K.A's. 

And  they  all  lived  in  the  promised  land  of  thier  forebrothers  happily  ever  after.  Thank  for  a  jolly  year 


We  love  you  all! 

I  Cor  15:58  -  Your  labour  is  not.  Press  on! 

P.S.  Mmmiiim     I  love  lea     Hope  \ou  weren't  Iced  off  with  ih.ii  sialnienl. 



Kevin  Johnson  &  Joel  Main 



^^^BB^dM»f \tf^^iwilif .'i  1 





Ihe  Boys  of  Four  South:  Matt  Barton.  Alex  Beldan.  Trevor  Brisbin.  Todd  Brown. 
Brei  Chapman.  Mark  Croswell.  Kevin  Doerksen.  Aaron  Ediington.  Aaron  Gordon. 
Shawn  Hamson.  Kevin  Johnson.  Mai  Learn.  Jevl  Main.  Myke  McCarron.  Paul 
Morris.  Mark  Poulton.  Jamie  Shaw.  Jonathan  Thompson.  Dave  Tughan 



Wow  I  If  guys  only  knew  what  really  went  on  behind  the  closed  doors  of  the  girl's  floor.  We  would 
probably  fuel  their  confusion,  pique  their  horror,  arouse  nervous  laughter  and  send  others  running  for  the 
sanctity  and  smell  of  thier  own  floor.  All  in  all,  it  would  probably  give  some  solid  doubt  to  that  popular  title 
"Women  are  from  Venus,  Men  are  from  Mars". 

There  is  something  about  putting  16  women  together  to  live  in  such  close  proimity,  sharing  closets, 
washrooms  stalls  (and.  yes,  we  mean  to  make  the  distinction  between  stall  and  simply  washroom),  air, 
regardless  of  the  quality  (girls,  you  know  who  you  are!),  smiles,  tears,  laughter,  songs,  and  prayers.  What  it 
has  created  is  a  unique  environment  in  which  we  have  learned  what  it  is  to  be  sisters  in  Christ.  Learning  to 
rejoice  w  ith  those  who  rejoice  and  weep  with  those  who  weep.  Learning  what  it  is  to  come  alongside  one 
another  encouraging  and  strengthening  each  other. 

And  finally,  beloved,   I 'M^  ^^^HI^^H  our  desire  has  been  to  focus 

on  whateveris  true,  whatever     J^    /^Itx  ^H^^^H  '^^  "oble,  whatever  is  pure, 

whatever  is  lovely,  whatever  i  ^  yvfj^^    %  .^^^^  ^vSE^i^H  '^  admirable  and  to  think  about 
such  things  as  those  which       ^f    f  ■  ^  ''^^^•B|Lj*«»*^B  are  excellent  &  praiseworthy. 

Ladies    of   South,       VJL  ^H,      ^^T^         "^B  Sisters  in  Christ,  we  thank  you 

for  the  opportunity  to  have   |   ^KgtjL  ^H^         A  m^  served  you  this  semester! 

May  God  reveal  himself  in  |^^^'  -^iBB^^     -^     *  '     "^l  yo"  and  may  the  Spirit  clothe 

himselfwith  you  until  we  all   ^^  ^^A*  *^         ^    -    ■"   ^B  reach  maturity  in  him. 

Love Tara  &  Mary-Ellen. 

P.S.  We  would  all  like  to 
thanks  to  George!! 

extend  a  special  and  warm 

Tara  Belliveau  & 
Mary-Ellen  White 

The  Girls  of  5  South:  Erinn  Grant,  Krista  Webb,  Paula  Chan,  Lisa  Chan, 
Karen  Cox,  SiiraCoalter,  Deborah  Ford,  Tara  Belliveau,  Mary-Ellen  White, 
Sarah  Post,  KlaraSiber,  Andrea  Johnston,  Heather  Johnston,  Shelley  Hart, 
Mehinie  Joseph,  Sarabeth  Buchanan. 



C  iod  has  chaiigcii  ihc  6lh  tloor  -  it's  interaction,  it's  role  in  the  schi)ul  and  it's  dynanncs.  The  year 
started  with  mostly  new  residents,  reflective  of  hte  and  the  journey  ot  becoming  like  Jesus.  The 
ye;ir  contained  laughter,  anguish,  refreshnient.lrustration.lonehness.  and  exuberance!  In  the  end. 
people  \\  ere  revealed  more  ot  God  and  themselves  to  them,  i'he  intent  lor  the  6th  lloor  this  year 
was  to  be  taught: 

God  used  this  year  and  the  6th  floor  residents  to  he  a  pivot  for  the  future  of  the  6th  lloor.  Two 
encouraging  aspectsofthisyearweretheirheail  felt  in\()lveiiient  in  street  ministry  and  reaching 
out  to  certain  OBC  students. 


^^^  ^^.  ^ajt  lsaiah4i;:l-.\66:2 


Steve  Kang 



The  6th  floor:  Diane  .McAlisCer. C  ynithia  Leung.  .Maria  Uurski.  Lori  Webster, 
Lynda  Kr\ishel,  Mary  Craig.  Galina  Freake.  Hui  Jong  Kim.  Phil  &  Jenn  MacCormack. 
Steve  Kang.  John  Bryan.  Curtis  Duclos.  Glenn  Edwards.  Dr.  &  Mrs.  McRae. 






This  Bihie  College  stuffs  a  breeze. 
-Sleph  laying  back  and  taking  it  easy. 

"Boy.  I'm  Good  Looking!  Did  I 
mention  that  1  was  Todd  Brown's 












1  "^ 


Who's  the  Man  and  their  Fan  Cluh 

KecpmgChnst  CENTRAL!! 

How's  she  going  there,  boys?  -  This  "Why  are  you  looking  at  me'?. ..Is 
here's  the  misses!  -  Andrew,  this  isn't  there  something  on  my  face'.'  Is  my 
Halifax.  makeup  running''  What'.'  Tell  me!"  - 

Amy    Stewart,    showing    her   true 
colours  for  "SOUTH!!" 


Student  Life 




'And  ihcic  »js  much  rejoicing!*  -  3  Suuih  KA  s 
lind  munlh  old  'Cinnabun* 

Before  trying  ihe  food,  ihe  doctor  recommendt 
.  4^^^^        vou    to   check    you   chlorekierol    level    before 

As  we  can  see.  Steve  is  enjoying  his  wings.  'Hey 
Steve!   Try  Ihe  Hot   Suicide   Wings" 

Luana  get  her  money's  worth. ..Good  to  the  last 


I  think  thai  Ron  would  do  a  hcitcr  'Dracula'  wiih 
those   fake   fangs. 





Z. .  .z. .  .z. .  .z. .  .z. .  .z. .  .z. .  .z 

Here  you  have  it.  Ladies,  a  picture  of  a  guy  who 
is  known  around  campus  lor  his  An,  but  he  is  also 
known  as  one  of  the  Great  "BRIT"  guys  at  OBC! 
Thanks.  Andrew  Mack,  for  the  Anwork!! 

■DISHM'lan  inside  joke.)  Trish  Hunt  (no 
relation  to  Gary  Hunt)  looking  Sweet  and 

^^^^^^^M                                     ^^^H 

Dave's  Secret  has  been  let  out  (no  pun  intended) 
Whenever  you  hear  some  weird  noise  in  the  back 
of  the  class,  just  look  around  until  you  see  Dave 
with  his  little  toy. 

I  could  share  it.  but  it  will  cost  ya!  -  Krista  Webb 
&  Mat  Learn. 

The    Holly    Hubbie   Twins!!-    Holly    Dickson   & 
Melody  Hamilton  and  the  Big  Puffy  Blue  Hat. 




The  1995-1996  OBC  Varsity  Teams 


Under  the  leardership  of  coach  and  team 
MVP  of  the  league.  Jay  Lehman,  the  OBC  men's 
volleyball  team  had  a  great  season.  As  early 
underdogs,  the  team's  chemistry  was  desperate  for 
sparks.  It  was  seen  as  a  rebuilding  year  by  most, 
but  the  proved  to  be  the  number  one  ranked  men's 
team  in  the  league.  With  fiery  veterans.  Jay  and  Bill, 
joining  a  nucleus  of  a  team,  headed  by  Karl,  Aaron, 
Simon,  Mike,  Jay,  Dwayne,  Jamie,  Jon,  Andrew, 
Antero,  and  Graham. 

As  one  of  the  graduating  members,  it  is  my 
honor  to  say  we  proved  something  and  had  a  good 
time  along  the  way.  Thanks  for  a  great  season! 
Thank  you.  Jay,  for  putting  up  with  it  all! 

Graham  Buchanan. 


Back  Row:  Graham  Buchanan.  Jay  Lehman  (Coach) 

Middle  Row:   Karl  Nash.  Aaron  Edlington.  Duane  Jukema.  Jon  Tentorey  (Assistant  Coach). 

Simon  .Mfred.  Antero  Manninen 

Front  Row:  Jav  Yun,  Jamie  Shaw.  Mike  Comeau 

Wendy  -  All  we  ask  is  that  you  tly  back  2  weeks  early  -  That's  all! 

Mary-Ellen  -  What  will  you  give  nie  if  I  pick  HIM  up,  Emmy?  (Back 

court  set,  Emmy ! ) 

Rose  -  Sorry,  Rose,  can't  make  it  to  the  first  match;  she's  still 

working  on  that  bag  of  sugar! 

Kara   -  Now  that  all  you  girls  are  together.. .(3  months?!) 

Chris  -  Voted  most  likely  to  teach  -  Diving  101 ! 

Anna  -  Is  she  not  here  yet?. ..We'll  leave  directions! 

Luana  -  Lch  Liebe  Luanai  (Watch  out  for  those  walls,  eh?)  Sorr> 

couldn't  resist! 

Marcia  -  Are  you  sure  it's  not  4  toes  and  a  finger.'  Huh'  I  don't  get 


Su7anne  -  "Oh.  Suzannal!"  Want  another  JoUy  Rancher?  -  "No 

more  animal  crackers!" 

Sarah  -"This  one's  for  Sarah!"  We  love  you! 

.\rlene  -  "You're  the  WOMAN!  You've  got  it  together  out  there! 

It's  been  a  great  year!  "Swordfish",  HOT  2  GO!,  now  could 

everyone  be  quiet. ..Ahhh!!,  Clementines,  Mary  Poppins. 

Anyone  seen  the  twins?.  Perfection  and  Pancakes,    Anyone  for  a 

cold  shower?.  Rice  cakes  and  Animal  crackers... 

Steve  -  How  many  calories  in  that  burger?,  4  fingers  and  a  thumb  - 

Got  that  'Marc"',  Come  on  Steve,  just  say  it  -  "Sword's  WOMEN!". 

3-D  hockey  cards  -  Now  that's  how  many  pack.s?  Thanks  for  all 

you  hard  work  and  devotion  to  the  team.   You  were  a  wonderful 

coach  -  We  love  ya!  It  was  a  great  season  (Hey.  at  least  it't 


Thanks  to  the  whole  team.    Way  to  go  out  there  and  take  the  gold! 

Women's  Volleyball 

Back  Row:    Wendy  Gntter.  Arlene  Friesen.  Sarah  Post.  Marcia  VanSchelven 
(Captain).  Luana  Busch.  Rosanne  Pumwasie.  Steve  Wilson  (Coach) 
Front  Row:    Chris  Yong.  Anna  Martin.   Kara  Martin.  Suzanne  Shaver,  Mary- 




Men's  Basketball 

This  year.  OBC's  men's  haskelball  team  had  a 
ver>  mieresimg  seasun.  hejiinmnj;  riiihl  trom 
ihe  tr\-i>uis.  f-or  the  lirsi  time  in  the  sihiHil's 
hisior>,  the  team  consisted  of  one  female 
plaser    Wh\  '  'Cause  there  wasn't  any 
\n>mens  team  (but  it  divsn'i  mean  she  can't 
"hang  wii"  the  boys)'.   Throughout  the 
season,  players  came  and  players  went; 
coaches  came  and  coaches  went;  and  even 
managers  came  and  went.  Where?  You  tell 
me    The  team  has  its  ups  and  downs  (some  a 
little  Uns cr  than  we  expected)    On  a  pt)siti\e 
tip,  the  new  year  meant  a  new  team: 

And  the  cheenng  sounds  like  a  choir. 

And  the  choir  is  singing  some  new  song. 

And  the  sound  of  the  song 

Has  your  hands  rising  and  saying: 

We  could  kne  this 

We  could  love  this 

We  could  be  in  love  w  ith  this. 

And  we  do. 

And  we  can. 

And  we  are. 

Rosanne  Pumwasie 

Back  Row:  Jamie  Simpson  (Assistant  Coach),  Aaron  Ediington.  Graham  Buchanan  (Coach), 

Brent  Watts.  Andrew  Daly. 

Front  Row:  Ke\in  Docrkson.  Rosanne  Pumwasie.  John  Wilderlxx'r. 

Absent:  John  Bryan.  Jason  lay  lor.  Gary  Armstrong.  Phil  ^'ang. 


Sports  Fanatics 
and  their  Fans 



One  of  ihe  few  sludenls  that  actually  work  in  ilic 
lihran  Where  is  (hat  library  anyway'.'  (unknown 
commuter  student) 

Hey.  my  stock  hxs  gone  up  10  points!  (Umm,  Andrew , 
I  see  a  problem  here) 

Dam.  I  missed  one!    1  really  have  to  get  a  joystick  for 
when  I  play  Mutant  Alien  Zombies.  (Peter  Wilson) 

Listen  lady,  this  is  a  library.    Students  come  here  to  The  lovely  Cherylyn  Fagan  working  hard  as  usual.       Fariborz.  caught  in  the  act  of  using  the  front  desk  phone 

study.    I  think  you  should  be  sensitive  to  their  We'll  miss  you.  sweetie.  for  his  own  purposes     What  was  that  again'.'    A  large 

needs.  (Right,  that's  why  you  were  talking  to  Shelly  pizza  with  peperoni  and  cheese? 

just  a  moment  ago) 



The  1995  -  1996  Student  Leadership 


1995-1996  Student  Council 

Paul  Morris,  Lesley  Harris.  Erinn  Grant,  Trish  Hunt,  Phil 
MacCormack,  Nicole  Craig,  Jennifer  Heideman,  Mat  Learn,  Duane 
Jukema,  Krista  Webb,  Ron  Mahler,  Keith  Bundock,  Greg  Mann, 
Dion  Oxford,  Todd  Brown,  Dale  Watson,  Melinda  Estabrooks, 
Mark  Jefferson,  Margie  May,  Keith  Anderson,  Jen  Dyett. 

Sports  Convenors 

Nicole  Craig 
Phil  MacCormack 

Student  Council  Executive 

Paul  Morris 

Leslie  Harris 

Erinn  Grant 

Tricia  Hunt 


Social   (-oll^cno^^ 


Pit  BrothtT  ;md  Big 


Mji  I.cjrn 

Jennifer  HriJrman 

Knsla  Wchh 

Puanf    ''.ilfm;i 

lli:>yliyiliil  (-  t'liniiiltfy 

Krilh  Hundivk 

Ron  Mahler 


W      V  .^^^^^^ 

^  r 

Global  Mission.>  ConimiHec 



Dale  WalMin 

Joe   Elkcrton 

[^a^id  McCallum 

Co  -  Chair 

Class  of   '96 

Class   of   '98 

Melinda  Eslabroolcs 

Keilh  Anderxim 

Doug  Nagy 


Class   of   •97 

Frosh   Class 


^Pi^^^^^^^^VP^P'^^^FV^^^  Resident  Advisors 

Crpativp  Arts  (^ommittee  Bottom  Row:  Kathy  Penner.Mmcia  Van. Schelven,  Jay  Lehman.  Diuryl  Buckle.  Mark  Jefferson 

Dion  Oxford 

^    , ,  „  2nd  Row:  Julie  Hackell.  .Steve  Kany,  Luana  Busch.  Knsta  Hall.  Holly  Dickson,  TaraBelliveau.  Mary-Ellen  White 

Todd  Blown  "  '  •' 


Top  Row:  Kevin  Johnson.  Joel  Mam 



RA  Representative  to  Council 


Evangelism  Committee 

Greg  Mann 





9JH^^iuii^:  9Jln(itit()  a  difference 

Urban  Ministries  Team 

Back  Row :  Holly  Dickson.  Stephanie  Fcildema.  Dion  Oxford 
Greg  Mann  (tvangelism  Chair  I.  Mali  B.irton.  Joel  Kighilc). 

Cunis  Duclos 
Front  Row:  Jamie  Hams.  ChnsYtmg,  Melody  Hamilton. 

L>  nda  Kruschel.  Mej;  .Smith 

Missing:  Joaiuh:  .McLoughlin.  Flav  u>  Dc.Silva.  Becky  Mills. 

Nata.sha  Ga.scho.  Galina  Freake 


OBC  Choir 

Charlenc  Archibald,  Lisa  Caldwell.  Paula  Chan.  Ruia  Damian. 

Hclga  Freund.  Jennifer  Heideman.  Ailecn  Lee.  Ron  Mahler. 

Sharolyn  McLeod.  Karen  Miller.  Andrea  Murdoch.  Chris 

Rawlings.  Amy  Stewart.  Cathy  Vanderlaan.  Myung-Hee  Yang. 

Christine  Yong.  Naomi  Lewis.  Marsena  Ballanlyne.  Melody 

Hamilton.  Sara  Coaltcr.  Nancy  Doughty.  Cherlyn  Fagan.  Brinn 

Grant.  Kalhy  Penner.  Sarah  Whiimore.  Keith  Bundock.  Nat 

Breltell.  Dion  Oxford.  James  Park.  Sean  Elliott.  Doug  Elvin. 

Jim  Kearslev 




Jazz  Vocal  Ensemble 

Back  Row:  Sharolyn  McLeod, 
Cathy  Vanderlann,  Kathy  Penner, 

Erinn  Grant,  Doug  El  vin,  Shawn 
Elliott,  Dion  Oxford 

Front  Row:  Aileen  Lee,  Diane 
Speirs  (Director),  Keith  Bundock 


Aileen  Lee 

Erinn  Gnuit 

Cherylyn  Pagan 

Diane  Speirs  ( Director) 



Who's  the  Man? 

Well,  well. well    Who  would  have  ever  ihoughi  ihal  nearly  two  years  after  the  fact,  we  would  still  be  kicking 
around?  One  thing  we  have  learned  is  that  you  never  know  what  is  going  to  happen,  regardless  of  how  well  you  may 
plan  it  out.   By  this  time,  we  thought  we  would  be  on  our  second  European  tour  with  a  double  platinum  album  and  David 
Letterman  as  the  president  of  our  fan  club.  In  actuality,  we  are  touring  Ontario,  we  just  finished  recording  our  second 
demo  and  David  Letterman  is  the  president  of  our  fan  club.   "Hey  kids,  you  like  the  rock  &  roll?" 

We  have  been  called  "Who's  the  Band".  "Who  is  Sam".  "Whod'Man".  "Whoomp  -  There's  the  Man',  and  even 
"What's  the  name  of  Your  Band  Again  '".  but  we  are  WHO'S  THE  MAN  and  we  haven't  forgotten  who  we  are    Mark 
'largemouth-Bass  guitar"  Abraham.  Pernell  "You  drums  have  been  bad.  I'm  gonna  tan  your  hides"  Goodyear.  B.J   "What 
song  are  we  doing  again  '"  Raymond,  and  Keith  "Waltz-Happy"  Anderson  have  all  made  WHO'S  THE  MAN  what  it  is. 

Credit  must  be  given  to  God  who  pulled  us  all  together  by  means  of  the  megalilhic  institution  that  is  OBC    We 
received  much  encouragement  from  a  lot  of  people  who  must  have  been  as  shocked  as  us  to  hear  more  than  jusi  noise 
coming  out  of  our  instruments. 

Life  as  WHO'S  THE  MAN  has  had  it's  ups  and  downs    Many-a-praclice  has  been  cut  short  by  proctors  (opps. 
Security)  "Hey.  I'm  just  doing  my  job!"  they  say.   "Well  hey.  so  are  we'"   Recording  was  even  interrupted  once  for  a 
much  appreciated.  "Five  minutes,  ok.'"  But  we  love  you  hardworking,  walky-talky  carrying,  makc-me-feel-secure.  ihis- 
is-nol-a-drill  people    There  have  been  many  times  when  your  grace  has  allowed  us  1  ^  precious  minutes  to  nail  down  a 
song,  and  many-a-door  has  been  unlocked  for  us  ■  Like  that  time  we  wanted  Bruce  Gordon's  door  opened  because  we 
(houghl  that  room  would  have  the  best  acoustics.  Man.  that  was  some  jam!  We  were  accused  once  of  thievery  if  you  can 
believe  that,  but  we  brought  the  stuff  back  -  it  was  jusi  a  joke!  Honestly.  Mr.  Jeff  Beamish  has  always  been  quite  kind  to 
us  and  we  truly  thank  him  -  thank  you! 

We  would  also  like  to  thank  all  the  people  who  contributed  in  big  and  small  ways:  there  are  so  many  that  we  have 
decided  to  say.  you  know  who  you  are.  and  you  know  who  the  Man  is. 

And  now  for  all  those  budding  young  musicians  out  there  -  if  we  can  do  this,  you  can  certainly  do  this.  We  just 
have  one  word  of  warning  for  you.  Adopt  the  phrase.  "Cash  up  front  or  we  walk."  and  you  will  do  fine. 

May  the  Lord  make  your  lives  a  living  hell  (in  the  best  possible  way)  so  you  may  be  a  piece  of  heaven  for  (hose 
within  it    Keep  singing  our  songs  in  the  shower,  and  watch  for  us... 




Blood  Donor  Clinic  -  Fiiondship  in  ihc  midst  of 
crisis  -"Don't  worry;  there'll  be  cookies  and 
juice  later." 

"I  think  we're  a  little  over  dressed."  Meg  Smith 
&   v<i  ■'■    Hatnilton. 








VzKf^v^  Dpcams  {J 

[.iilc  ill  niybl.  bis  body  tired  and  sore  S'^^  bcid  c.iplioc  to  tbc  mill  of  a  mind 
pasjinvs  and  survjin^  abcad.  be  looks  up  and  spies  a  rent  in  tbc  air  abopc.    Mc 
itcacbcs  up.  forciny  bis  bands  into  tbc  midst  of  tbc  sbirliny  sea  of  colours,  and 
strains  to  prv  bis  bands  apart,  to  force  tbc  rent  uMde  enouyb  to  bcbold  u">bat  lies 
on  tbc  otbcr  side.    /Is  it  opens,  it  spills  its  liybt  out  upon  bim.  and  tbis  is  lobai  be 
sees  in  tbc  liybt. 

It  is  a  field.    /I  pasture  of  unmoirn  grasses,  iraoiny  bencatb  tbc  caress  of  a 
soft  breeze.    Tbc  skv  is  tbc  faintest  blue,  and  tbouyb  it  is  noonday  briybt.  tbc  sun 
cannot  be  seen.    Tbcre  is  a  sliybt  knoll,  a  small  island  of  eartb  mitbin  tbc  sea  of 
yrasses.    On  tbc  knoll  stands  a  lone  tree,    iln  oak.  bent  tiristed  loitb  aye.  v'ct  still 
strony  and  proud.    Sittiny  on  tbc  brancb  of  tbc  tree  tbcre  is  a  cbild.    Tbc  cbild 
looks  and  says: 

"Come.    Come  and  be  mitb  mc." 

TDust  I?'  be  replies. 

"CUbv  do  v^u  ask  must  XT  comes  tbc  response. 

"If  I  must.  I  mill,  and  I  mill  do  so  yladly  for  tbis  is  a  yood  place  and  I  lony  to  be 
mitb  you.   But.  if  it  is  not  must'  I  mould     stay  mbcrc  I  am." 

"Tbis  is  stranyc.    If  tbis  place  is  yood  and  you  lony  to  be  bere.  mby  do  you  not 

"I  do  not  come  because,  altbouyb  it  is  barder.  I  may  also  knom  you  mbcrc  I  am. 
But  you  mill  ask.  mby  cboose  tbc  more  difficult  route?  I  cboose  tbis  route  because 
in  tbis  place  I  baoe  come  to  knom  myself,  and  in  tbat  knominy  I  baoe  found 

otbers  mbom  i  looe  and  mbo  looe  me  in  return,  and  I  mould  not  Icaoe  tbem.    /Ind 
so.  if  it  is  must  I  mill  come  and  be  ylad.  but  if  it  is  not  must'.  I  mill  delay  tbat 
cominy  joy." 

"It  is  not  must'.   Go.  return  to  your  omn.  and  I  mill  join  you  tbcre," 

His  bands  mitbdramn.  tbc  rent  closes,  tbc  scene  fades,  and  be  falls  into  a  deep 

Todd  Bromn 


Let's  give  them  something  to  talk  about! ! 

I  cumc  to  Canada  for  this? 


"Fanning   the    Flame"    -    this   years       "Artistic   Impression"   -   the   NORTH       "Polilcs  is  War '- Paul  Morris  fights  for       This  is  a  posed   shot! 
Iheme.  way.  dictatorship. 

Am>    Bcaml^h      Class  Pre/    20 M 

Lcatc  me  alone.  I'm  having;  a  haJ 
hair  day'  (opps  how  J  ihal  get  in 
there  ■  sorr)  I  •  Car>ten  Loren/ 
attempting  to  aioid  the  camera 

Ohh  Ste\e  )iiu  man  >ou'  -  things 
you  never  knew  about  Steve  Kani; 
(6lh  Floor  R  Ri 

Don  t  ask  me  -  I  just  prelent  to  work 
here'  ■  Kevin  Kirk  catching  up  on 
some  reading. 

My  my.  she  looks  amused!  -Barbara  -jhe   true   Spirit   of  Community"   -       And  you  thought  no  one  was  having       "New   Recrules   from   Bricrcrest 

Haycraft.  trying  to  gel   some   time  ihey   tie  you  up.  until  you  become       fun  on   3   North'  they're   the   life   of  the   parly  " 

away   from   students  trying   to  take  friends. 
her  picture 


tms  t99^-9^  rsmmB^mm  ^mmmmtm 

A  Message  from  the  Editor 

Wow!...What  a  staff  we  had  this  year! 
Faithful  and  diligent;  there  whenever  we  needed 
them,  especially  at  "crunch  time"  (which  was 
most  of  the  time,  actually ! )  Thanks  also  goes 
out  to  those  creative  photographers  that 
donated  pictures  to  the  Yeartwok  and  those 
that  did  write-ups  for  various  pages,  teams,  and 

Special  thanks  to  the  OBC  Student 
Council  for  their  support  and  prayers,  to  Ian 
Ellis  for  his  and  time,  and  to  Glenn 
Hunt  for  his  computer 

All  the,se  wonderful  people  made  this 
yearbook  possible.  Thank  you  from  the 
bottom  of  my  heart. 

God  Bless, 
Special  Thanks  to:     Jen  Dyett/Editor 
Melody  Hamilton 
Melinda  E.stabrook.s 
Jennifer  Heideman 
Paul  Morri.s 
Brad  Gibson 
Karen  Miller 
(for  offering  their  works  in  photography) 
To  all  those  who  we  have  missed 

Jen  Dyff  ~  Editor 
Mark  page  -  Co-Edif  or 

Laoa    Baglole     ~    Sj-aff    Kdv/isof,    Pfoof "Reader, 
Layoul-  Sel-Up, 

Cheryl  Bradley  '  Creafiv/e  Krfs  0^gani^e^, 


Kndrew  Mack  -  GrapKk-s  Design  CTH-le  pages) 

Kmy   Sf-ewaff-    ~   Cap-f-jons. 

G-lenn  Kunf-   ""   Technical  Kdv^isor 

Holly  Dickson  -  Photographer 

Carsfen  Loren?  ~  Phofographer 

Dave  Young  ~  Photographer 

As  I  reviewed  this  past  year  in  my  mind,  I  .iiii 
reminded  o\  ihc  many  sirii>;j;leN.  (.hallcnjies.  and  iiiiiinplis 
laced  in  ihc  piuduclion  ol  ihis  \carbook.   Hul  e\en 
through  all  ot  these,  I  can  say  with  no  douht  in  my  voice 
that  I  am  proud  of  every  single  person  that  w Drked  to  make 
this  b<.>ok  one  that  people  vmII  cherish  tor  \ears  to  come 

There  is  so  much  to  say  but  onl>  a  iimiied  ainouni  ol 
space,  so  here  gi>es.  To  my  co-edilor  and  "right  hand 
man"  Mark  -  thank  you  tor  all  your  hard  work.  I  couldn  i 
have  done  it  vMihout  you    thank  \oii  tor  your 
support,  yi>ur  know  ledge,  your  kindness,  and  your 
constructive  criticism.  Andrew  -  my  friend,  thank  yi>u  for 
your  w  illing  pen  and  awesomely  creative  mind.  Ron  M.  - 

Finally,  personal  thanks:  To  my  family  -  for 
supporting  me  in  everything  I  do.  To  my  friend  Ed  -  for 
making  me  laugh    Lu\  ^a,  you  hig  hick.  To  my  roommate 
Amy  -  thank  you  for  your  support  and  lor  listening  to  me 
when  I  needed  to  talk.  .And  last,  but  certainly  not  least,  to 
my  best  fnend  Rachel  -  you've  been  there  for  me  through 
all  my  fnistrations.  hcanhreaks,  celebrations,  and  triumphs. 
1  love  you  w  ith  all  m>  heart. 

Yearbtx)ks  play  an  important  rote  in  any  school, 
college,  or  university.  They  keep  a  record  of 

the    year,    preserving   .»V^^    memories  forever.  So 

when  you  look  through 
whatever  you  need  to  do, 


this  book,  laugh,  cry,  do 
because  this  is  your 

Jen  Dyett 
Yearbook  Editor   1995-96 

I  can't  believe  that  the  year  is  almost  over;  it  seems  that 
time  has  passed  us  by  so  quickly    Thinking  back,  this  past 
year  has  been  one  of  many  niciiiorics    Being  a  part  of  the 
Yearbook  for  1 995-96 has  been  an  experience  that  1  will  never 
forget,  one  with  many  challeneges  and  tnmuphs.  As  I  pause 
for  a  moment  to  collect  my  thoughts,  the  screen  .saver  on  the 
computer  writes  on  the  screen,  "Mark's  second  home  is  the 
Yearbook  Office!".  My  dream  about  the  Yearbook  is  one  of 
Memories.  This  is  a  book  where  we  can  look  back  and 
rLMiiembcr  the  times  we  had,  the  friends  we  have  made,  and 
how  much  tiod  has  shaped  our  li\es.  I  hope  that  every  time 
you  pick  up  your  Yearbook,  you  will  remember  the  Memories. 
Thanks  to  a  lot  of  people;  Chery !  B.  Lana  B.  the  tonnes  of 
people  who  took  pictures,  and  to  all  others  who  1  might  have 
missed.  But  there  are  two  people  who  1  can't  forget,  which  are: 
God,  who  directed  me  and  gave  me  the  inspriation  for  a  large 
amount  of  the  pages  for  the  Yearbook.  And  also  to  my  Love, 
Heather,  who  was  there  beside  mc.  in  thought  and  in  prayer, 
who  was  very  understanding  and  patient  with  me  w  iih  all  the 
time  I  spent  in  the  Yearbook  Office.  So  I  dedicate  my  pari  of 
the  Yearbook  to  Heather.  Congratulations  on  your 

Love  and  Peace. 

Mark  Page 

Mark  Pajje 
Yearbook  Co-Kditor   1995-96 

ik-  .# 






MemoriesThat  Will  Last  a  Lifetime! 

'Please  don't  hale  us  because  we're 

"The  wider  you  open  your  mouth  the 
more  you  can  shove  in.  See  like  this!" 
Jen  H.  gives  the  girls  tips  on  the  Art  of 




L      I 


Some  pictures  just  don't  need  a  caption 
"Looin'  good.  Guys!" 

"Is  it  my  fault  I'm  so  cute?"  -  The 
women  of  OBC  and  a  ...err.  um, 
stranger...  but  not  really. 


YouUwcanluvranunlikclhis'  -  BreniK  Mnils  his  siull 

Hi  '  Can  I  sell  >  nu  one  dI  our  liwsl  \  acuunuleaner.'  ■  St»ll 
gives  up  his  sales  career  liw  Bndal  SchtKil' 

Where  quality  friendships  are  formed  and  memories  are 
made  thai  will  last  a  hfeiime  Oops.  sorr>'  ThisisatOBC. 
Dol  Camp  Mim- Yo-We. 

'\jLn  . 

Denim  is  (he  required  mode  of  dress  for  ihe  average 
OBC  (Who's  the)  Man.  -  Frosh  Banquel '95 


Darrvl  &  Tara 

Knsased:  July  29th,  1995 
Wielding:    Inly  20th.  1996 

Love  is  more  than  just  hearts  and 

flowers  and  romance,  more  than 

candlelit  dinners  and  dancing,  more 

than  walks  in  the  park  and  moments 

of  intimate  sharing. 

Love  lasts  beyond  those  initial 


It  is  understanding  through  the 

difficult  times,  caring  past  the 


It's  laughing  together  when  things  are 

good,  or  laughing  together  to  keep 

from  crying  when  things  couldn't 

seem  to  go  more  wrong. 

It  is  patience  and  compassion, 

compromise  and  healing.  Love  is 

forgiving  and  forgiving  and  forgiving. 

Love  is  everything  we  share  together. 

Because  to  me,  love  is  and  always 

will  be  you.       ^^^ 



Jay  &  Christy 


Engaged:  June  5th,  1995  [ 
Wedding:  June  1st,  1996  L 

Wedding:  May  24th,  1997    yj 




Pnnled  m  Winnipeg,  MB 



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